Queenie Tan

A Parent's Guide To Optimizing Your Preschooler's Learning: Giving Them A Head Start in School And Life

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1524211265
EAN 9781524211264
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Queenie Tan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Do you want to give your child a head start so that he can hit the ground running when he gets to preschool? Have you ever observed behaviors that are worrying in your children and wondered if you should really be concerned? Have you ever stayed up all night afraid that your child will not be able to cope with preschool/kindergarten?
This book, "A Parent's Guide to Optimizing Your Preschooler's Learning; Giving Them a Head Start in School and Life" is specifically written to address some of the more pressing issues from parents of children who are in preschool. Naturally, issues regarding their ability to make friends, and to learn academic skills and emotional intelligence kept on popping up in a variety of situations. As such, this book is a compilation of all the questions and responses that has been documented in this informative e-book just for you. The primary purpose of this book is to give you a brief overview of some things that are important to a developing child so that you know exactly what to focus on and you can, therefore, be more intentional about the assistance that you give to them.
To further facilitate children's learning, this book comes complete with a pull-out section containing home-based activites/recipes for home-made, totally edible, sensory play.
This book was also conceptualised from a great interest in the study of childhood anxiety and how it affects young children way into their adult life. Childhood anxiety can be significantly minimised if we only knew the psychological makeup of children and are able to customize our parenting styles to meet their developmental needs.
If you are interested to learn more about childhood anxiety and how it is detrimental to having children who are happy, socially competent and emotionally intelligent, do sign up for a FREE video training series entitled '3 Common Mistakes Parents Unknowingly Make That Cause Anxiety In Your Preschoolers: And How To Avoid It' by clicking here https://queeniefktan.leadpages.co/free-videos-childhood-anxiety/

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