Music Therapy - Rachel Darnley-Smith, Helen M Patey

Rachel Darnley-Smith, Helen M Patey

Music Therapy

First Edition. WEB PDF. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in KByte: 715.
pdf eBook , 156 Seiten
ISBN 1847876315
EAN 9781847876317
Veröffentlicht März 2008
Verlag/Hersteller SAGE Publications Ltd

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`This book is a detailed introduction to music therapy, and should be of particular interest to intending students of the subject and those wishing to pursue a career within the profession. It should be of considerable use to all with a general interest in the subject as well those making a career on music therapy' - The Organ
`I found this a useful book in terms of its clarity and carefully thought out structure. It is a rich source of information and of ideas which are extremely important for the potential music therapy trainee to think about; it also makes valuable reading for more experienced therapists, bringing our minds back to some central questions about the nature of our work.... Whatever stage you may be at in your life as a music therapist, it will refresh your mind and your practice' - Eleanor Richards, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
From the Foreword:
`Rachel Darnley-Smith and Helen M Patey have managed so well to tell their story of music therapy offering the framework of theory, training and professional practice, and the complimentary value of Analytical Music Therapy and Creative Music Therapy within improvization. The authors devote a whole chapter to promoting a wider understanding of improvisation, describing its value as a form of play, free association, with more or less structure depending on the form of intervention and the client's needs. There is really a valuable resource of meaningful and relevant examples from their own clinical work. These examples clearly validate and illustrate the seminal theoretical concept of the first great pioneer of music therapy in the United Kingdom, Juliette Alvin, who taught us that music is a creation of people, and therefore we can see people in their music' - Professor Tony Wigram
Music Therapy is an introduction to contemporary training and practice. Written in a clear, jargon-free style, the book provides a lively source of information and ideas for all who are new to music therapy.
Written by highly experienced practitioners, the book examines improvization, the principal method for music therapy, and points to the underlying assumptions about music, which shape this way of working. Two of the main music therapy approaches - Analytic Music Therapy and Nordoff- Robbins Music Therapy - are also outlined.
Drawing on their own experience, the authors examine a range of clinical situations and give examples of working with children and adults with a range of needs, including autism, learning disabilities and mental health problems. They highlight the many issues which arise from day-to-day practice and explore other aspects of professional life, such as personal therapy and supervision.
For anyone training or thinking of training to be a music therapist, this book provides an ideal place to start. As a guide to contemporary music therapy, it also has much to offer those already in practice.


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