Rachel Gibson

Any Man of Mine

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1446438368
EAN 9781446438367
Veröffentlicht Mai 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Transworld Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Hey, pretty lady, haven't we met?
Yes, beautiful thirty-something Autumn Haven has definitely met hockey-superstar Sam LeClaire before. Several years ago she had a passionate, Vegas-inspired fling with him involving getting hitched in an Elvis-themed wedding chapel and ending with her waking up in a hotel room: alone, heartbroken... and pregnant.
So these days, reminding her ex-husband that she even exists isn't high on Autumn's to-do list. But they have a child, Conner, and suddenly Sam claims to have grown up, wanting to be more involved with his son. And handsome, drop-dead sexy Sam always gets what he wants. Being a good dad to Conner is one thing, but to her horror, Autumn realises she still finds it practically impossible to be around Sam without falling for his charms once again. And that's the last thing she wants... isn't it?
Sexy, funny, unputdownable - there's no one quite like Rachel Gibson.


Rachel Gibson's storytelling career began at the age of sixteen when she ran her Chevy Vega into the side of a hill, retrieved the bumper and broken glass from the ground, and drove to her High School parking lot. With the help of her friend, she strategically scattered the broken pieces and told her parents she'd been the victim of a hit and run. They believed her, and she's been telling stories ever since.
Rachel has three children and still lives in her native Boise, Idaho. When not writing, she can be found boating on Payette Lake with Mr. Gibson, shopping for shoes, or forcing her love on an ungrateful cat.

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