Rachel Scotte

Untraced Magic: A Witchy Paranormal Romance (Cutters Cove Witches, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1738601102
EAN 9781738601103
Veröffentlicht 15. Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Rachel Scotte
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A girl whose soul longed for love. A broken mage with a haunted heart. A spell that could bring them together, or tear their love apart.
When Morgan arrives in Cutters Cove, she's looking for a fresh start and expects nothing more than a quiet, uneventful existence. She quickly realizes there is more to the sleepy town, and its dim shades of gray swallow her into its murky spell. She's not looking to make friends, but when she meets her mysterious, and dangerously handsome neighbor Tyler, she finds herself drawn to him in ways she can't explain. With eyes that always find hers, he has her questioning the one rule she has: Don't get close to anyone. Because Morgan has a secret and will protect it with her life. But Tyler has secrets of his own and fate has other ideas.
When Morgan's truth is exposed, she must decide to trust Tyler, or risk losing the man she is linked to by something more powerful than she could ever imagine. Where the paranormal blur the edge of reality, the fight to control a power sought by darkness may be the only thing that can save Cutters Cove.
Tylers Blurb (Unofficial)
It seems I have a new neighbor. A human. And she's becoming a... distraction.
My eyes seek hers in every room, her wit gets under my skin, and she has me fired on every edge of caution known to man. I can't get close, no matter how much I find myself drawn to her. I've made that mistake before...fallen in love with a human. I won't do it again.
Untraced Magic is book 1 in the Cutters Cove Witches series. Each book follows a different couple and their story, but their tales interconnect and are best read in order. This book is a steamy paranormal romance set in a gothic inspired world full of magic and mystery, with a happily ever after.
Contains profanity & sexual content (open door). Mentions death of family members & suicide (off page).

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