Randy Kadish

Long Distance Fly, Spin, Bait, and Surf Casting Techniques and Getting Started with Spey and Scandinavian Casting

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1452429405
EAN 9781452429403
Veröffentlicht September 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Randy Kadish
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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With so many articles and books about casting why did I write this short book? Part of the answer is that I never set out to write a book or even an article. Instead, I set out to become a better fly, surf, spin and spey caster. To do so, I always took my first step by studying casting techniques. Why did I do this? Because relatively late in life I came to believe in the power of technique; so when I became interested in fly casting, for example, I immersed myself in articles, books and videos, but surprisingly I still couldn't cast more than seventy-feet. Frustrated, I experimented with fly casting on my own, but with every casting discovery I made, a new casting symptom, like hitting myself with the fly, came out of hiding.
More and more I wished I had a casting coach, but not having a coach forced me to experiment on my own, and to find and understand the causes of my casting defects. And while I did, I took notes, notes that soon became a sort of casting journal, and then became articles that were published in many magazines. Does my journal answer every casting question or describe the only ways to cast? No. But even though I believe all casters are different and should learn from many sources, I also believe this book will help you cast farther and with less effort.
The chapters in this book are: The Power of Casting Technique, The Fundamentals of All Casts, Long Distance Fly Casting Techniques, The Double Haul, A Modern, Spey-Like Approach to Long Distance Surf Casting, Long Distance Spin and Bait)Casting, Getting Started with Spey Casting, Getting Started with Scandinavian Casting, and a fly casting memoir, Fly Casting with the Man of La Mancha.
About the Author
Randy Kadish is an outdoor writer. His articles about casting have appeared in many magazines, including: The Fisherman, Fishing and Hunting News, On the Water, Gaff, and Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide.
He is also the author of the novel, The Fly Caster Who Tried to Make Peace with the World.


I'm a native New Yorker. After a good deal of disappointment, I gave up writing. Then my mother passed away, and I found that fishing helped ease my grief. Almost accidentally, I wrote and sold a fishing article. Afterwards, my articles and memoirs appeared in many publications, including The Flyfisher, Flyfishing & Tying Journal and Yale Anglers' Journal.
To me, much of my writing is about how the challenges of fishing and the beauty of the outdoors helped me come to terms with loss and with a world I can't always understand. In a sense, my writing is autobiographical, as it reflects my own gratifying, but at times, difficult journey of emotional and spiritual recovery.
On the long road of my journey, I slowly learned that, even when I don't have answers, I must strive to find forgiveness and self-worth and to connect to the good in the world. (This is how I define spirituality.) I therefore love books where the main characters struggle against inner and outer conflicts and then try to do what's right.
My most recent book is, The Way of the River: My Journey of Fishing, Forgiveness and Spiritual Recovery.

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