Raven Ishak

The Little Book of Abuelita Wisdom

For When You Need a Bit of Guidance from Abuela. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0762484225
EAN 9780762484225
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Running Press Adult
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
10,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

¡Oye! Listen to your abuelita, por favor. This sweet and cheeky guide, in abuela's signature voice, with Spanish peppered throughout, is filled with abuelita wisdom, including sayings, tips, and tricks on cleaning, cooking, friendships, self-love, and more.
How many times have we heard from our abuelas, "Ponte un suéter que tendrás frio" or "Al que madruga, Dios ayuda" or "-Y para cuando los nietos?" Sometimes, we just need the advice of our wise abuelitas. This book-which contains a collection of traditional and classic tips, messages, sayings, and instructions-brings together advice from abuelas all over. Keep your home clean, learn abuela essentials on hygiene, revisit nostalgic recipes, and learn how to maintain relationships with others and yourself. Just like abuela, this book comes in a bright, colorful, cute little package, with gorgeous full-colored illustrations. With Spanish peppered throughout, this book is as close to abuela as can be. And just like abuela, this book can get a bit cheeky-so watch out for things that will make you grab your forehead and say: ¡Ay abuela!
Whether our abuelas live two houses away, thousands of miles away, or are no longer with us, we can carry on their wisdom with this little book. No matter your heritage or cultural background, this mighty book is for anyone who wants, has, or has had an abuelita-figure in their life.


Raven Ishak is an award-winning journalist, of Puerto Rican roots, who has worked in digital media as a writer and editor for the past 11 years. Her work has been published in BuzzFeed, Domino, Bustle, HelloGiggles, InStyle, Well+Good, and various other digital publications. She currently lives in New York City with her husband and corgi pup.

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