Rebecca Muspratt

Danielle Diva Dog: New Girl in Town

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 098889274X
EAN 9780988892743
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Electronic Book Cafe
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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New Girl in Town
"It was Christmas Eve, not a treat in sight, and I had to poop on a showbank. In Boston. Where I knew not one soul..."
Meet Our Heroine
Do you like stories about city dogs? Meet Danielle--a Standard Poodle who has been uprooted from her glamorous life in New York. Like it or not, she's a Boston dog now.
But she's still that gorgeous girl! She's charming, funny, smart, slightly self-centered--a glam girl, a city dog who will make a new life for herself in her new town.
Looking for Love and Treats
Like the heroines of Sex and the City, Dani is lookiing for love. Along the way, she will meet triumph, heartbreak, and the occasional Mr. Wrong. Yummy treats show up now and then.
At the Dog Park
Dani's new BFF is Siggy (short for Sigmund because he is the dog of a psychiatrist), a handsome white English Bull Terrier who introduces her to the folks at the dog park in Boston's South End. He informs her that if she is going to be a Boston dog, she will have to learn what the Red Sox are. (Hint: not a fashion statement.)
What happens?
But Siggy has his own problems, and Dani's search for the perfect mate does not go smoothly. And then there is the eternal issue of the dog-human relationship: her human's new girlfriend, otherwise known as The Enemy.
Laughter and tears, confusion and joy....from swimming in Boston Harbor on New YEar's Day to chasing swans in the Public Garden, it's Danielle's world. Please join her. Humans always welcome at the dog park!

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