Reginald F. Davis

Bible Study for Busy Pastors and Ministers, Volume 3

Ready-Made Lessons to Transform Members into Disciples and an Audience into an Army. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 136 Seiten
EAN 9798385213689
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Resource Publications
19,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Now more than ever before pastors and ministers should make sure the Word of God goes forth in a world that has lost its moral and spiritual way. In America we are living on the edge. When we go to the marketplaces, schools, churches, outside activities, we don't know if a mass shooting might take place. We don't know what to expect in public places because violence and killings have become commonplace. Many of our youth are dying from drug poisoning, gun shootings, and suicide. Racial hatred is on the rise and kids are taking guns to school, causing lockdowns and distress. All around us is sorrow, sadness, and senselessness. The only hope, light, and transformation is God's Word and its application. These thematically arranged Bible lessons can help in the process of humanity finding their way back to God through Jesus Christ.


Reginald F. Davis is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. He attended Shelby State Community College in Memphis (AS), Incarnate Word College in San Antonio (BA), Colgate Rochester Divinity School (MDiv), and Florida State University (PhD). He has been a frequent radio guest and lectures at colleges, universities, and churches across the nation. He currently lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, with his wife and three children. He has authored six books in the field of theology and religion.

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