Biology Essentials For Dummies - Rene Fester Kratz, Donna Rae Siegfried

Rene Fester Kratz, Donna Rae Siegfried

Biology Essentials For Dummies

1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 7.
pdf eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 1119589622
EAN 9781119589624
Veröffentlicht April 2019
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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Biology Essentials For Dummies (9781119589587) was previously published as Biology Essentials For Dummies (9781118072677). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
Just the core concepts you need to score high in your biology course
Biology Essentials For Dummies focuses on just the core concepts you need to succeed in an introductory biology course. From identifying the structures and functions of plants and animals to grasping the crucial discoveries in evolutionary, reproductive, and ecological biology, this easy-to-follow guide lets you skip the suffering and score high at exam time.
* Get down to basics -- master the fundamentals, from understanding what biologists study to how living things are classified
* The chemistry of life -- find out what you need to know about atoms, elements, molecules, compounds, acids, bases, and more
* Conquer and divide -- discover the ins and outs of asexual and sexual reproduction, including cell division and DNA replication
Jump into the gene pool -- grasp how proteins make traits happen, and easily understand DNA transcription, RNA processing, translation, and gene regulation.


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