Humanisme universel ? - Richard Ngagne Tine

Richard Ngagne Tine

Humanisme universel ?

Anthropologie culturelle et théologique en vue du dialogue interreligieux dans le contexte de l'Église du Sénégal. 1. Auflage. Dateigröße in MByte: 5.
pdf eBook , 389 Seiten
ISBN 3828877370
EAN 9783828877375
Veröffentlicht Juli 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag
84,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Interreligious dialogue is a decisive aspect in the dynamic of "aggiornamento", which the Catholic Church has initiated since the Second Vatican Council. In order to walk this path of renewal, the Church of Senegal must promote a dialogue of multiform dimensions: doctrinal, cognitive, pragmatic, ethical and spiritual. The concept of dialogue, developed through this book, is a form of contribution to this theological and pastoral task. It calls on the Church in Senegal to draw on the African genius to practice a dialogue rooted in the existence of the Senegalese people. Through this approach, it is possible to break down ethnic and religious barriers in order to open up a new horizon of brotherhood and human development.
The Author
Richard Ngagne Tine, born in 1975 in Senegal, is a priest of the Diocese of Thiès. He obtained his doctorate in systematic theology in 2021 from the Catholic theological faculty of the University of Münster, Germany. He specialised in anthropology, ecclesiology and the theological foundations of interreligious dialogue in Senegal.


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