Robert Hall

Proof God Is

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223521006
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Robert Hall
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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I'll offer absolute proof of the existence of God but first, you'll have to understand a little about my life.
What if I told you. What if I told you love is not an emotion but a force. What if I told you, God Is. What if I told you nothing can affect reality and nothing unreal exists, therein lies the peace of God. What if I told you there is no hell, only Heaven. What if I told you, you make your own hell. What if I told you all you see is an illusion, compared to the reality of Heaven. What if I told you death is an illusion, you live forever. What if I told you God does not forgive because He/She has never condemned. What If I told you if God made anything imperfect, He/She would no longer be perfect; therefore you are perfect, you have simply forgotten. What if I told you, you are dreaming in Heaven and are about to wake up. What if I told you as you help you are helped, as you give you are given too, as you love you are loved. What if I told you that you go through pain to teach you what you do not want. What if I told you, as you forgive others, you are forgiving yourself. What if I told you forgiveness is the final lesson you need to learn. What if I told you nothing you can do offends God because you are merely dreaming. What if I told you there is no such thing as sin. What if I told you Spirit heals your mind, the mind heals your body. What if I told you, you need no one to make you whole, you are whole. What if I told you, you have a twin flame, you may not have met yet. What if I told you we are all brothers and sisters, we are one. What if I told you, you are love because you were made by love. What if I told you, you are forever the divine effect from the divine Source. What if I told you, you are Infinitely powerful, you have simply forgotten. What if I told you, you are part of the Mind of God, He/She has not forgotten you. What if I told you, Heaven would not be complete without You. Would you forgive and believe? Read that again.-Bob


I'm 71 and was fortunate to be raised by a Father and Mother who were old enough to be my grandparents. The subject of God never came up but they taught me a prayer at a very young age, "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray to you Lord my soul to keep if I should die before I awake I pray oh Lord my soul to take." Thus a belief in a Higher Power was ingrained. My manuscripts are a compilation of over ten years of writing. If they instill in you a growing peace I'm more than satisfied. Bob

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