
Illegal Modified Exhaust Is a Road Hazard (Illegalmodifiedexhaustresearch, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215298664
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Rocko
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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My real good friend passed away, and I decided to put our work and thoughts about these illegally modified exhausts into a book. His view on this new phenomenon resonated with me because we always discussed respect as the bottom line of any healthy relationship in this dimension. (A Huge word). If we had more respect in this world for all people, there would be a lot more peace here on earth. When we first heard the intentionally modified exhaust vehicle roar and yelled at the universe without respect for any other life form, a pure angry, cowardly, selfish act, we said, "WHY"? We always had respect for our authority figures in this country. We thought they would have the integrity and courage to address this new intentional critical hazard on our public roadways. As this type of vehicle which emanates hate and disrespect, started increasing in numbers and loudness without intervention from the authorities, we were scratching our heads, saying, "WHY?". He started calling the police repeatedly and writing letters to elected officials without authentic results. "There is a superficial level of privilege that instead turns its head to make money or do less work of integrity instead of doing the right thing and protecting the people they represent." (He used to say to me) No disrespect to our police (their job is not easy). The leaders in charge of the road need to step up to the plate and initiate laws that protect the citizens they represent and guide our police to take the right course of action based on integrity and respect. This little book delves into a beginning investigation of why this hateful and dangerous conduct is being permitted on our public roads with our families and loved ones driving on them. The challenge with the modified exhaust is that some of these disrespectful Americans are going over the line with the decibel level, startling other drivers and waking people out of their sleep. Some of these drivers are using their vehicles as an assault on fellow citizens. This act is a bully hiding behind their privileged illegal exhaust vehicle. When someone gets fun by disrespecting fellow drivers, then they have gone over the line. It's okay for a little rumble out of a vehicle, but they have gone too far when it intrudes into people's space with a disgusting, awful noise. In a nutshell, it's the weigh-out action of fun and respect. The book also addresses what we can do collectively to get the road authority held responsible for ignoring their sworn duty on this sick neglect on our public roads. At the end of this book, I list the resources and strategies to address this new critical challenge together on America's roadways. These writings attempt to put into the collective awareness of this gross misconduct of this intentional illegal modified exhaust attached to vehicles that exhume hate out of the tailpipe on purpose. These inconsiderate, supposed-to-be fellow countrymen compete to see who can be the most dangerously annoying and get away with it. This new phenomenon is happening across the entire United States now. The citizens are getting injustice on two fronts; between the road authority not upholding their sworn duty to protect and the displaced angry Americans hiding behind their assault vehicles and disrespecting fellow citizens. In a nutshell, this is ruining the quality of life in the whole United States. Freedom does not give any American the right to disrespect and attack another American. (Especially to the ones who served this great country to provide these so-called fellow countrymen the right to be a jerk.) We don't stay United in the United States by attacking each other.

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