Roger Hyttinen


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0991518640
EAN 9780991518647
Veröffentlicht Februar 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Rambling Wordsmith Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Just a few short weeks ago, sixteen-year-old Nick Michelson discovered that he was a psychic medium destined to help restless spirits cross over to where they belong. One evening while working after-hours at his high school, an especially frightening ghost of a bloody soldier appears to Nick and attacks him. Nick sets out on a quest to learn who the ghost is and why he is haunting Nick's high school. Using his deck of tarot cards as a tool, he gradually begins to unravel the mystery surrounding the ghost's death.
Meanwhile, Nick is experiencing disturbing dreams and visions during which he witnesses, through the eyes of a killer, the brutal mass murder of several of his classmates at his high school. As Nick gets drawn deeper and deeper into a web of mysteries surrounding his nightmares and the ghost of the soldier, he begins to suspect that the two are related - and that the horrific scene from his nightmares is actually a premonition of events that may - or will - come to pass.
Nick must solve the riddle of his enigmatic premonitions and race against time to somehow prevent an unknown killer from shooting up his school - and not become the shooter's first victim in the process.


Roger Hyttinen a fiction author of titles including A Clash of Fangs and A Touch of Cedar. His latest projects include a YA series featuring a high school medium who read Tarot cards and a Werewolf novel featuring a handsome prince, all of which should be released later this year. He has a Master's degree in Foreign Language & Literature and has worked as a French teacher, an English teacher, a technical writer, and a computer programmer. He currently lives in the chilly midwest with hopes of eventually moving about 1200 miles south.

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