Ron Vitale

Awakenings (A Witch's Coven Novel, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 138677104X
EAN 9781386771043
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Ron Vitale
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A witch of formidable illusions, Sabrina runs a coven and has settled down to teach initiates in the ways of magic. But when her initiate Alessia asks for her advice and brings back painful memories for her, wheels are put into motion that bring Sabrina's past as a servant in one of the great houses in the magical world of The Realms into the forefront.
Bound when young in servitude to Thaddeus, one of the great house lords, Sabrina tries to outlive her past, but the choices she made then have always been a specter chasing after her. When an ancient evil haunts her and tries to destroy her and Alessia, Sabrina fights back until she realizes that there is no way for her to undo the mistakes of the past. Instead she needs to find another way to survive and save Alessia and the rest of her coven.
To right her wrongs and save her coven, Sabrina must face her greatest fear: the truth she's hidden for nearly twenty years. But ancient evils do not care for truth and only want vengeance on her for what she has done.


Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ron Vitale was influenced by the likes of J. R. R. Tolkien, Stephenie Meyer and French culture, but has never forgotten his roots, and is a lover of classic literature.
During his early 20s, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and French and then went on to obtain his Master of Arts in English, at Villanova University writing his thesis on a Jungian interpretation of the works of Margaret Atwood and Alice Walker. After graduation, Ron entered the world of medical publishing, utilizing his editing and technological skills. In October 2007, Ron published his science fiction short story collection The Jovian Gate Chronicles that answers the question: What happens when humans cross paths with intelligent aliens who claim to be prophets from God? In the fall of 2008, he released his fantasy novel Dorothea's Song, a tale of a young high school student who copes with his parents' divorcing by dreaming up the story of Dorothea, an elf who lives in the magical forest.
Through 2008 to 2014 he wrote the Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries series that definitely answers the question: What really happened to Cinderella after she married the prince? And in 2015, Ron wrote Awakenings and Betrayals, the first two books in the Witch's Coven series that tells the story of the witch Sabrina who lives in the magical world of the realms where illusions, magic and an ancient evil reign.
Currently, he is keeping himself busy, penning articles on social media and writing, and on learning how to be a good father to his kids all while working on his next novel.

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