Ronald Bagliere

On My Way To You

One Moment Can Change A Life. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9791222014364
Veröffentlicht Februar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Next Chapter
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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John Patterson has always been a loner. At a young age, he left behind his Colorado home for the adventure and isolation of the Himalayas. But after years spent building his reputation in the climbing circuit, his heroic rescue of an inexperienced climber on Everest results in the loss of his leg.
Michelle Bonheur still blames herself for the car accident that killed her husband Adam two years ago. Since Adam's death, Michelle's life has been career-focused, and lonely. When her best friend Cam convinces her that the two should fulfill Adam's dream of hiking the Himalayas, Michelle reluctantly accepts.
As John and Michelle's paths converge in Nepal, they navigate the winding mountain trails together and discover they're not alone in their grief, the guilt they carry, or their attraction to each other.
When disaster strikes one morning on the Annapurna circuit, the two wounded souls find themselves in peril, and Michelle makes a decision that will change both of their lives.

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