Ronni Arno

Dear Poppy

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 9 bis 13 Jahre. f-c cvr. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1481437615
EAN 9781481437615
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Aladdin
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,90 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

When twelve-year-old Poppy moves to the country, she discovers a secret stash of letters that give her a unique connection to her late mother in this M!X novel about friendship, first crushes, and family drama.
City girl Poppy has always wanted a best friend, but never felt enough of a connection with anyone to gain BFF status. Even without a BFF, Poppy is horrified when her father decides to move her and her older brother out to the family farm. Away from her beloved city and away from memories of her late mom—a fresh start for everyone.
And after a weird first week at her new school, Poppy is convinced she is destined for a boring year—until she finds a stack of letters from 1985 hidden in the barn of the old farmhouse that they move into. Even better? Those letters are addressed to Poppy...from her mom. Poppy doesn't know what supernatural event brought these letters to her, but she doesn't care. All she knows is that she finally has the connection she yearns for. Plus, her mom seems to understand everything that Poppy is going through: not quite fitting in, the desire to put down roots, and the heartbreak of losing a loved one. Has Poppy discovered the friend—and acceptance—she's always wanted?


Ronni Arno Blaisdell is the author of Ruby Reinvented. She has written for several magazines, blogs, and websites. In a previous life she worked as a publicist in Hollywood, and eventually built a home in Maine. She is a keen SCBWI member and contributor to the blog.

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