
Whispers From The Thatch

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 13 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224550340
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Ropapa
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

'Whispers from the Thatch'
"Beneath the tranquil canopy of ancient trees and along the winding village paths, 'Whispers from the Thatch' unravels a tapestry of tales steeped in tradition and the supernatural. In this collection, the hum of daily life harmonizes with the echoes of folklore, where magic breathes life into the old ways, and shadows of witchcraft lurk behind warm smiles. Experience the pulse of rural mystique through stories that weave together the threads of love, joy, and the timeless dance of good and evil. Each page invites you to partake in the village's secrets, to feel the heartbeat of its legacy, and to find happiness in the simplicity of its enchantments."


About the author
Joseph Madiba Moraedi, a son of Maun, is a storyteller whose roots run as deep as the ancient channels of the Okavango. A poet and weaver of short stories, Joseph's words are a reflection of the vibrant tapestry of life in Botswana. His commitment to his community shines through his work with BOTSWANA HEALTHCARE DESIGN and Radio Ropapa, organizations that stand as pillars of unity and artistic excellence.
Born and raised in the cradle of the delta, Joseph's journey has taken him across the breadth of Botswana, where he has not only observed but also enriched the lives of those he's met. As a coach and educator, he plants seeds of knowledge and watches them grow into forests of understanding.
Joseph's passion for uniting artists and fostering collaboration has made him a beacon of cultural preservation and innovation. His dedication to healthcare outreach intertwines with his artistic endeavors, creating a legacy that transcends the written word.
Through his travels and his tireless community engagement, Joseph Madiba Moraedi embodies the spirit of *Botho*, teaching that we are all connected in the great circle of life. His story is one of inspiration, a call to all who believe in the power of unity, tradition, and the enduring rhythm of the African heart.

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