Russell McAfee

The Kingdom of God Inside of You

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1365618641
EAN 9781365618642
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2016
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Russell McAfee, dynamic yet down-to-earth, is called to minister God's message of salvation through Jesus Christ to the world. From Chicago, Illinois, Russell is anointed by God to deliver a word that will encourage and empower. He uses his life experiences of growing up poor in the inner city of Chicago and the trials of being raised by a single mother along with strong biblical teaching to show each believer how to rise above mental and societal barriers to live under the authority of Christ. In full-time ministry for over 9 years, Russell shares practical life strategies that will confidently carry you through your week. Russell's weekly thirty-minute television program as well as more than 7 years spent on local radio in the Hammond and Chicagoland area has reached thousands. Today, as senior pastor of Kingdom Christian Center, he devotes his entire life to sharing the Gospel and encouraging the Christian to stay strong and fight the good fight of faith!

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