Ruth Munro

Motivating Maddie: Seven Deadly Sins 4 (Sloth)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1370420382
EAN 9781370420384
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Ruth Munro
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Long ago Al's Dad made him pray for his wife. He was about eight at the time so possibly he didn't take it seriously. He prayed for a girlfriend who wouldn't interfere with his fishing, would sleep a lot, and would love the beach, but hate dolls. Around that time Maddie was born. What if God was listening to that prayer, but despite all human logic seriously decided to give Al his four wishes? Or has He? A lot of men seem to think Maddie is the answer to their prayers.
Maddie of course doesn't know this. She's intending to never marry anyone but a rich man, since a rich man owns his own beach. Her dream is to spend her time sleeping on the beach being very lazy.
Then there's the other problem in both of their lives, the one of the delusional but violent man who thinks God created Maddie just for him. After all Maddie sleeps on the beach all day, and so doesn't flirt with other men. She never goes out with anyone, which means she's pure. Purity is good because it won't wake the beast that lives inside him. All he has to do is get her attention, and then he sees her best friend...
Will the death of her best friend grab Maddie's attention and succeed in motivating Maddie? How long can guilt stop Maddie being lazy? How many women will die around her before she learns sleeping can be a dangerous thing?


I am Australian widow, who doesn't like to admit her age, with four children and two step-children, living and working in China. I wasn't always a writer. At different times, for reasons of acute boredom I have pursued a lot of entertaining professions and hobbies.
Personally if I lived my life the way I wanted I would spend all my time on my favorite activities. I like to catch up with family, write, read incessantly, watch movies, and study towards my Masters. Fortunately God insists I live a balanced life. So in my spare time I pray a lot, spend time with God, and work a full time job! I am so blessed because my genetics have meant I rarely need much sleep.
As to my career I am an experienced teacher, although I have also worked for Social Security as a clerk, sold roof tiles, been a wife and mother, worked as a Podiatrist and run various departments (or worked in them) in my church. I have always taught. I held my first unofficial math class on the steps of my neighbour's house when I was about ten. I am also a jack of all trades since I've been a single mother since my husband died when we were both 34.
In 2012 after living in India for two months working at Asha Bhawan, God gave me the theme of this series, and revived my desire to create stories that amuse, but also make us think. I hope you enjoy them. I have just published the sixth book in the seven book series.
I am still struggling with the seventh book in the series which is mostly written. I am taking too long I know, but I really hate the subject matter. I will get it done by December even if I have to rewrite the middle and change some major plot events.
If you like my books please leave a review. If you hate them also write a review. Like all authors I will think about your criticisms, although like most of us I hate criticism! May my God bless you!

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