Ruth Scofield

Loving Thy Neighbor

ebook Ausgabe. First edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1472021312
EAN 9781472021311
Veröffentlicht August 2013
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins Publishers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,31 inkl. MwSt.
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When Quincee Davis moved into a house in order to raise her late sister' s two children, she was less than thrilled to discover that Hamilton Paxton-the judge who had suspended her driver' s license-lived right next door. Their close proximity created immediate tension...which unexpectedly turned into attraction.


Ruth Scofield grew up in Kansas City, Missouri in a time when "Let's pretend..." and "What if..." were everyday phrases based on only movies and books. No TV or video games. She graduated from Paseo High School, then married Charles Schmidt at nineteen. They have lived in Chicago, New York State, and Washington, D.C. Ruth gained her first professional writing experience by writing small features and social news for The Independent-Leader, a weekly newspaper, which served all of Rockland County, New York. Nevertheless, Ruth's heart was always in fiction. A few years later, while living in a Washington, D. C. suburb, Romance Writers of America came to town in its third annual conference. Ruth raced to join. From there she joined a hard working critique group and sold her first novel in 1992.Now back in Missouri, Ruth continues to study the craft and art of writing. She enjoys family gatherings, her grandchildren, and studying Missouri/Kansas history, especially, the rich lore of the westward trails-Louis & Clark, Santa Fe, California, Oregon, and Mormon.

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