Ryder Carroll

The Bullet Journal Method

Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 0525533346
EAN 9780525533344
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Portfolio
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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New York Times bestseller!
There's a reason this system for time management, goal setting, and intentional living has been adopted by millions around the globe: it works. Not only will you get more done, but you'll get the right things done. All you need is a pen, paper, and five spare minutes a day.
In The Bullet Journal Method, Ryder Carroll, the system's founder, provides an essential guide to avoiding all too common beginner mistakes and building a core discipline from which you can personalize your practice. You'll not only learn to organize your tasks but to focus your time and energy in pursuit of what's truly meaningful to you by following three simple steps:
* Track the past. Create a clear and comprehensive record of your thoughts.
* Order the present. Find daily calm and clarity by tackling your to-do list in a more mindful, systematic, and productive way.
* Design the future. Transform your vague curiosities into meaningful goals, and then break those goals into manageable action steps that lead to big change.
Whether you're a frustrated list maker, an overwhelmed multitasker, or a creative who needs some structure, The Bullet Journal Method will help you go from passenger to pilot of your own life.


Ryder Carroll is a digital product designer and inventor of the Bullet Journal. He's had the privilege of working with companies like Adidas, American Express, Cisco, IBM, Macy's, and HP. He's been featured by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Lifehacker, and Mashable.

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