S. B. Fates

Shadow's Embrace (Superhero Splatterpunk)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224765089
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Sean Benoit
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Shadow's Embrace
Superhero Splatterpunk Series
Author: S.B. Fates
Dive into "Shadow's Embrace," the latest stand-alone installment in the Superhero Splatterpunk Series by S.B. Fates, where the realms of superhero splatterpunk horror are masterfully blended. In this gripping tale, the boundaries between heroism and monstrosity are tested in a world shrouded in darkness.
The Story:
Tomas Barrett, a loner bestowed with the eerie ability to manipulate shadows, finds his life intertwined with a macabre cult dedicated to the Shadow Walker, an ancient and malevolent being. As Tomas uses his extraordinary powers, he faces a dire consequence - the more he taps into the shadows, the more potent the Shadow Walker becomes, threatening to unleash his deepest fears.
Embark on a journey through a city engulfed in terror and obscurity. Witness Tomas confront not just the spine-chilling terror of the cult but also the disturbing truths about his own abilities. Aided by Lauren, a mysterious woman with a vendetta of her own, Tomas's path leads him to the heart of darkness, where secrets lie that could be their salvation or doom.
Experience High Stakes:
Each chapter of "Shadow's Embrace" escalates the tension, weaving a tale filled with grotesque cult rituals and poignant moments from Tomas's past. The story teeters on the knife-edge of salvation and perdition, culminating in a revelation that questions the very essence of power and redemption.
Prepare for an Intense Journey:
"Shadow's Embrace" is more than a story—it's an intense exploration of the soul's shadows. This novel is an enthralling mix of superhero fiction, splatterpunk, and psychological horror, where every decision comes with a price, and the distinction between good and evil is as thin as a shadow.
Explore the gripping world of "Shadow's Embrace" and discover a story where every turn is a dance with danger, and every shadow holds a story.


Sean Benoit, writing under the pen name S.B. Fates, is a masterful author specializing in the realm of dark fiction. His unique literary style seamlessly weaves together elements of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science fiction, and fantasy, creating stories that not only captivate but also challenge the conventional boundaries of these genres. His works are renowned for their complex narratives, richly developed characters, and the ability to transport readers into worlds where the mysterious and the ordinary intertwine.
In addition to his literary pursuits, Sean harbors a deep passion for drawing and comic books, engaging in these activities as personal hobbies. This artistic inclination, while separate from his writing, enriches his creative perspective and contributes to the depth and imagination evident in his storytelling.
Known as S.B. Fates in the literary world, Sean stands out for his ability to blend a diverse range of elements into his narratives, making him a distinctive voice in the genre of dark fiction. His dedication to exploring and redefining the limits of genre fiction has cemented his status as a notable author in his field.

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