SBAQs for the FRCEM Primary -

SBAQs for the FRCEM Primary

Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 14.
pdf eBook , 312 Seiten
ISBN 0191065501
EAN 9780191065507
Veröffentlicht August 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press

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SBAQ's for the FRCEM Primary is a key resource for the new FRCEM Primary examination.
Featuring over 450 Single Best Answer Questions (SBAQ's) mapped to the Royal College of Emergency Medicine curriculum, this comprehensive guide ensures high-quality self-assessment.
Each chapter focuses on key areas of emergency medicine that candidates will be tested on. All questions are supported by detailed answers and further reading to ensure quick identification of key areas that may need more attention. The last chapter features a mock examination of 100 SBAQ's ensuring the reader has, not only the knowledge to the pass the exam, but can practice the technique and approach required for success in this exam.
Edited by an experienced Consultant, SBAQ's for the FRCEM Primary is essential reading for candidates preparing for the FRCEM Primary exam worldwide.


Mr Pawan Gupta is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at the Mid Essex Hospital NHS Trust. He is a Training Programme Director in Health Education for East of England and a College Tutor. With the wealth of knowledge and expertise, he has contributed immensely all these years in education through the statures of Foundation Training Programme Director, Clinical Teacher at the Cambridge University Medical School and Clinical Lecturer for University College London. Mr Gupta has also been an expert adviser to the development of NICE Trauma Guidelines because of his role as Trust Trauma Director for many years. He is an examiner at the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He is an appraiser and a mentor nationally and internationally.


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