Sabat Beatto

Guardians of the Net: A Complete Guide to Cybersecurity

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224532865
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Sabat Beatto
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Guardians of the Net: A Complete Guide to CybersecurityThis comprehensive glossary and index serve as quick reference tools for readers to navigate through the various terms, concepts, and topics covered in the book. They are designed to enhance the reader's understanding and accessibility to the wealth of information provided in the chapters, enabling efficient location of specific subjects or clarification of terminology used in the realm of cybersecurity."Guardians of the Net: A Complete Guide to Cybersecurity" is an essential handbook for navigating the complex world of digital protection. This comprehensive guide demystifies the often-intimidating realm of cybersecurity, offering clear insights into everything from basic security concepts to advanced defense strategies. Whether you're an IT professional, business leader, or everyday internet user, this book equips you with the knowledge to safeguard against evolving cyber threats. With detailed chapters on emerging technologies, legal frameworks, and practical case studies, it prepares readers to confront modern challenges and embrace a future where cybersecurity is paramount. Embrace your role as a guardian of the net with this definitive cybersecurity resource.


About the author
Sabat Beatto was born in the Dominican Republic and has pursued diverse
interests and studies throughout his life. Along with studying real estate, acting, music, and cinematography, he earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in special education.
As an accomplished author, Sabat Beatto has written an impressive collection of books, including "The Old Man and His Mango Tree," "The Power of Gratitude," "Spirit of the Land," "Educational Partner," "The Power of Perseverance," "The Power of Hero," "Bullying Epidemic," "The Power of Trust," "Overcoming Obstacles," "Learning for Life," "Inspiring a Love for Soccer," "The ABC of Snakes," "Math Activities," "My First Preschool Workbook" series (consisting of four books, with more to come).
Sabat Beatto has demonstrated his passion for education, personal growth, and social issues through his writing. His works reflect his deep commitment to empowering individuals and communities through knowledge, perseverance, and empathy.

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