Sally Kempton

Meditation for the Love of It

Enjoying Your Own Deepest Experience. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 392 Seiten
ISBN 1604073292
EAN 9781604073294
Veröffentlicht Januar 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Sounds True

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Meditation is like a love affair with your innermost self. At times it can be ecstatic and entrancing, other times simple and still-and sometimes you might not even feel its profound effects until later.
Now with Meditation for the Love of It, Sally Kempton shares practical secrets to help us turn meditation into an unconditional embrace of the fullness of our experience-on and off the meditation cushion. With the gentle wisdom and compassion of one who understands the nuances of practice, she opens us to the joy of exploring the deep and mysterious inner landscape of the heart, mind, and body.
Drawing on her 40 years as a teacher and a fellow meditator, Sally teaches us how we can connect to our inner longings and creative shakti energy to allow the transformative gifts and blessings of meditation to unfold. With playfulness and devotion-two key attitudes in sustaining a daily practice-she shares indispensable guidance for this voyage of self-discovery, including:
How to tune in to your own "meditation channel," a bandwidth of tranquillity, energy, and joy Why you don't need a quiet mind to meditate How the force known as Kundalini can fuel your practice Connecting to your ever-present Inner Beloved to let go of conditioned ideas about yourself and make space for the True Self to come forth Ripening your practice beyond technique into the "sweet mysterious expanse of spontaneous meditation" More than 20 practices for bringing the peace and insight of meditation into your daily life
"Remember: what you seek in meditation is your own Beloved, your own inner intelligence, your own Awareness, and your own Truth," teaches Sally. Meditation for the Love of It points us back to our own intimate heart of hearts, our own deepest experience, and the bliss of existence itself.


Sally Kempton, Elizabeth Gilbert

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