Samantha Chase

Teasing You (The Donovans (Sweetbriar Ridge), #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223751861
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Chasing Romance, Inc.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A Small Town, Second Chance, Firefighter, standalone romance by New York Times bestselling author, Samantha Chase
She's being suspected of setting her workplace on fire.
He needs to prove it wasn't her.
Now he's on a mission to convince the one that got away that they belong together.
Ashlynn Donovan's life just hit rock bottom. She lost her job, there are no prospects on the horizon, and she just unknowingly flashed the hot new firefighter in town. This isn't the first time she's embarrassed herself in front of him, but she was prepared to react the same way she did years ago - by running away. But Reid's persistent and isn't ready to let her get away a second time.
Reid Baylor always hoped to return to Sweetbriar Ridge-the only place he's felt a connection to after a lifetime spent moving from place to place. When he learns of an opening in the fire department, he jumps at the chance to return to the small town he wants to call home again. And just when he thinks life can't get any better, he runs into the one girl he's never been able to forget. But reminding Ashlynn of their embarrassing first meeting might not have been the best move, especially when he wants to prove that he's the man for her.
When Ashlynn is suspected of arson for the fire at her former workplace, Reid's dream of becoming a fire inspector is on the line-and so is any chance he had with Ashlynn. Will his chance at getting both his dream job and the girl of his dreams go up in flames?


New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan's Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40's to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.
When she's not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

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