Samantha Leal

TANNER (Forsaken Riders MC ROMANCE)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386928070
EAN 9781386928072
Veröffentlicht April 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Totally Romance Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The small town of Slate Springs is hiding a wild and lawless secret... At the center of its quiet society is a ruthless motorcycle club, hell bent on domination.
Jo and Kirsten think that they are just looking for a bit of adventure, but when they stumble across a small desert town full of unruly outlaws it looks as if they have found somewhere that at least one of them wants to call home.
The Forsaken Riders are like nothing Jo has ever seen. Red hot, beastly bikers with a hard edge that is screaming to be softened by the right woman. And Tanner is the one that wants her. She catches his eye in an instant and he is determined to make her his. With a broken down car and a stay in Slate Springs lengthening into something more, will the girls decide to stay, or will they leave the outlaw life behind them and try to repair their own damaged friendship?
One thing is for certain, great things are about to happen out in the desert, and a love like no other is about to shape the future of one of the baddest bike gangs in America.
Welcome to Slate Springs, and welcome to The Forsaken Riders.

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