Sandra Anne Taylor

Your Quantum Breakthrough Code

The Simple Technique That Brings Everlasting Joy and Success. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1401947026
EAN 9781401947026
Veröffentlicht November 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Hay House Inc.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Do the patterns of your life seem to have a momentum of their own? This is your opportunity to break through! Your old, reactive patterns of unknown negative energy don't have to direct your destiny any longer. In this groundbreaking new book, Sandra Anne Taylor reveals Your Quantum Breakthrough Code, the amazingly easy yet empowering technique that can completely reroute the direction of your life. Things will never be the same when you learn:
• How to ignite the breakthrough forces that attract a spectacular reality
• How to decode harmful energies and code healthy and successful patterns
• The single breakthrough code that you can use anytime, anyplace
• The surefire rapid visualization and affirmation technique
• The powerful Peace Process that creates a tranquil and magnetic energy
Get ready for a quantum breakthrough! These fascinating, unbelievably quick, and easy techniques will bring you a life of unparalleled joy and success.


Sandra Anne Taylor is the New York Times best-selling author of Quantum Success, Secrets of Success, and Truth, Triumph, and Transformation. Her beautiful deck of Energy Oracle Cards helps you identify present patterns and predict future results. Sandra is an inspiring speaker who lectures internationally on the life-changing powers of personal energy and consciousness creation. Her consulting practice includes energy and past-life readings; code restructuring; and consciousness shifting for personal empowerment, happiness, and success. Her books are available in 26 languages throughout the world. Sandra's popular radio show, Living Your Quantum Success, can be heard Mondays on®. Websites: and

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