Sandra Brown


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1444791516
EAN 9781444791518
Veröffentlicht August 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Hodder & Stoughton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Number One New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown returns with another suspenseful thriller
When Jordie Bennet and Shaw Kinnard lock eyes across a disreputable backwater bar, something sparks. Shaw's dangerous vibe makes men wary and women sit up and take notice... Jordie included. It's an unlikely meeting. She doesn't belong in a seedy dive on the banks of a bayou, but here she is...and Shaw Kinnard is there to kill her.
Jordie's certain her time is up, but Shaw has other plans. He abducts her, hoping to get his hands on the thirty million dollars her brother has stolen. However, he's not the only one looking for the fortune. Now on the run from the feds and a notorious criminal, Jordie and Shaw must rely on their wits - and each other - to stay alive.
Miles away from civilization, Jordie's only chance of survival is to outwit Shaw, but it soon becomes clear that neither is entirely trustworthy. Was she in on her brother's scam, or is she an innocent pawn? And just how valuable is her life to Shaw? Burning for answers - and for each other - this unlikely pair make a desperate move that could be their last.
With nonstop plot twists and the tantalizing sexual tension that has made Sandra Brown one of the world's best-loved authors, STING will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the final pages.
Praise for Sandra Brown
'Suspense that has teeth'
Stephen King
'Lust, jealousy, and murder suffuse Brown's crisp thriller'
Publishers Weekly
'An edge-of-the-seat thriller that's full of twists . . . Top stuff!'


Sandra Brown

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