Sarah Prineas


ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 8 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 0062285602
EAN 9780062285607
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2013
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Our oaths bind us together, the crow-woman had said. When an oath is broken there is a price. And it is always more than the oath breaker can pay.
These words have haunted Fer, the Lady of the Summerlands, since she first heard them, but Fer knows that the oath she made to her kin is worth keeping, always. She's pledged to serve her people with honesty and without using the disguise and deception of a glamorie. Though Fer has also made a critical mistake—she's trusted others to fulfill the same vow, one that many are unwilling and unable to keep.
Now an oath has been broken, and the Forsworn, a renegade group of Lords and Ladies, has unleashed the consequences of their betrayal onto the lands. A stillness is creeping into the realm, threatening to destroy them all, and only Fer has the power to fight it. But she can't do it alone. Yet when help arrives, it comes from Rook, a puck-boy whose very nature is to trick her. Can Fer trust the unbound puck to stay true?
Sarah Prineas shines in this mesmerizing tale about one girl's quest to inspire change in the face of great danger and resistance.


Sarah Prineas lives in the midst of the corn in rural Iowa, where she wrangles dogs, cats, chickens, and goats, goes on lots of hikes, and finds time to write. She is also the author of Ash & Bramble, a retelling of Cinderella. She is married to a physics professor and has two kids. You can visit Sarah online at

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