Sarah Woodbury

the Oaken Door (The Lion of Wales, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1540129276
EAN 9781540129277
Veröffentlicht April 2015
Verlag/Hersteller The Morgan-Stanwood Publishing Group
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The onslaught of Modred's forces may have been temporarily halted, but danger lurks around every corner for Myrddin and Nell. Not only do they face treachery on the part of their enemies, but allies--and even family too--cannot be trusted.
Only by joining forces can they succeed in averting the terrible fate that threatens their king, their country, and their own lives.
The Oaken Door is book two in The Lion of Wales series.
Complete Series reading order: Cold my Heart, the Oaken Door, of Men and Dragons, A Long Cloud, Frost against the Hilt.


With over a million books sold to date, Sarah Woodbury is the author of more than forty novels, all set in medieval Wales. Although an anthropologist by training, and then a full-time homeschooling mom for twenty years, she began writing fiction when the stories in her head overflowed and demanded that she let them out. While her ancestry is Welsh, she only visited Wales for the first time at university. She has been in love with the country, language, and people ever since. She even convinced her husband to give all four of their children Welsh names.
Sarah is a member of the Historical Novelists Fiction Cooperative (HFAC), the Historical Novel Society (HNS), and Novelists, Inc. (NINC).
She makes her home in Oregon.
Please follow her online at or

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