Sayantani Dasgupta, Mitali Perkins, Veera Hiranandani, Supriya Kelkar, Maulik Pancholy

The Door Is Open

Stories of Celebration and Community by 11 Desi Voices. Empfohlen 8 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0316450839
EAN 9780316450836
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Discover stories of fear, triumph, and spectacular celebration in this warm-hearted novel of interconnected stories that celebrates the diversity of South Asian American experiences in a local community center.
Discover stories of fear, triumph, and spectacular celebration in the fictional town of Maple Grove, New Jersey, where the local kids gather at the community center to discover new crushes, fight against ignorance, and even save a life. Cheer for Chaya as she wins chess tournaments (unlike Andrew, she knows stupid sugary soda won't make you better at chess), and follow as Jeevan learns how to cook traditional food (it turns out he can cook sabji-- he just can't eat it).
These stories, edited by bestselling and award-winning Pakistani-American author Hena Khan, are filled with humor, warmth, and possibility. They showcase a diverse array of talented authors with heritage from the Indian subcontinent, including beloved favorites and rising stars, who each highlight the beauty and necessity of a community center that everyone calls home.


Hena Khan is a Pakistani-American who was born and raised in Maryland, where she still lives. She enjoys writing about her culture as well as all sorts of other subjects, from spies to space travel. You can learn more about Hena by visiting her website:

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