Scott C. Anderson

The New Horizon

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1329637240
EAN 9781329637245
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2015

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A familiar story told anew. The life of the leader of a prosperous civilization is coming to an end. This advanced society, born from slavery, searches for a leader in the most unlikely of places.
Candidates from earth are chosen and tested, and one stands out from the others. Each contender will find that leadership is never easy and freedom is seldom free.
A woman emerges who can lead her people, negotiate with the established inter traders, and deal with societies yet capable of working with offworld civilizations.
This leader never expected to meet a race bent on war and conquest. Living within a thriving secret city on an ancient world known as Tiffina pushes this strong and independent woman to challenge a way of life never discussed during her interview. And, finding support within her new society only opens the door to new adventures.
Written for all ages.

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