Seraphina Nova Glass

Someone's Listening

A Novel. Original. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1488069093
EAN 9781488069093
Veröffentlicht Juli 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Graydon House
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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She wrote the book on escaping a predator… Now one is coming for her.
Faith Finley has it all: she's a talented psychologist with a flourishing career, a bestselling author and the host of a popular local radio program, Someone's Listening, with Dr. Faith Finley. She's married to the perfect man, Liam Finley, a respected food critic.
Until the night everything goes horribly wrong, and Faith's life is shattered forever.
Liam is missing-gone without a trace-and the police are suspicious of everything Faith says. They either think she has something to hide, or that she's lost her mind.
And then the notes begin to arrive. Notes that are ripped from Faith's own book, the one that helps victims leave their abusers. Notes like "Lock your windows. Consider investing in a steel door."
As the threats escalate, the mystery behind Liam's disappearance intensifies. And Faith's very life will depend on finding answers.
Don't miss Seraphina's upcoming novel, The Vanishing Hour. You won't be able to put it down!
Other thrillers from Seraphina to keep you up all night:
The Vanishing Hour On a Quiet Street Such a Good Wife


Seraphina Nova Glass is an assistant professor of instruction and playwright in residence at the University of Texas, Arlington, where she teaches film studies and playwriting. Her novel On A Quiet Street was nominated for an Edgar Award, was a New York Times Summer Read, an Amazon Bestseller and Editor's Pick, and also featured in the Boston Globe and Bustle. Publishers Weekly has named her "a writer to watch." She's also an award-winning playwright and holds an MFA degree in dramatic writing from Smith College and a second MFA in directing from the University of Idaho. She is a proud dog mom and loves to travel the world with her husband. She resides in Dallas, Texas.

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