Sher Lee

Fake Dates and Mooncakes

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 0593569962
EAN 9780593569962
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Underlined
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Heartstopper meets Crazy Rich Asians in this heartfelt, joyful paperback original rom-com that follows an aspiring chef who discovers the recipe for love is more complicated than it seems when he starts fake-dating a handsome new customer.
Dylan Tang wants to win a Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake-making competition for teen chefs-in memory of his mom, and to bring much-needed publicity to his aunt's struggling Chinese takeout in Brooklyn.
Enter Theo Somers: charming, wealthy, with a smile that makes Dylan's stomach do backflips. AKA a distraction. Their worlds are sun-and-moon apart, but Theo keeps showing up. He even convinces Dylan to be his fake date at a family wedding in the Hamptons.
In Theo's glittering world of pomp, privilege, and crazy rich drama, their romance is supposed to be just pretend . . . but Dylan finds himself falling for Theo. For real. Then Theo's relatives reveal their true colors-but with the mooncake contest looming, Dylan can't risk being sidetracked by rich-people problems.
Can Dylan save his family's business and follow his heart-or will he fail to do both?


SHER LEE writes rom-coms and fantasy novels for teens. Fake Dates and Mooncakes is her debut. Like the main character, she has made mooncakes with her favorite aunt and has an abiding love for local street food (including an incredible weakness for xiao long bao). She lives in Singapore with her husband and two adorable corgis, Spade and Clover.

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