Sierra Cartwright

In the Den

10th Anniversary Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 316 Seiten
ISBN 1802508384
EAN 9781802508383
Veröffentlicht 18. Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Totally Bound Publishing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Book six in the Mastered series
His obsession may destroy them both.
As, the billionaire owner of the Den, Damien Lowell has no business lusting after Catrina Davidson. After all, as a Dom, he owes the beautiful, vulnerable Domme all of his respect.
But when it comes to her, he's a man obsessed.
He has to have her under his lash.
When the enigmatic, mysterious billionaire suggests she'll be a better Domme if she experiences him, Catrina laughs. But after seeing him interact with a sub, she's intrigued.
What harm can come from playing with him?
But nothing could have prepared her for Damien's devilish demands, leaving her emotionally shattered by their sensual journey.
At the end of the two weeks, Damien knows one thing.
He'll never let her go...


International and USA Today Bestselling author Sierra Cartwright was born in Manchester, England and raised in Colorado. Moving to the United States was nothing like her young imagination had concocted. She expected to see cowboys everywhere, and a covered wagon or two would have been really nice!
Now she writes novels as untamed as the Rockies, while spending a fair amount of time in Texas...where, it turns out, the Texas Rangers law officers don't ride horses to roundup the bad guys, or have six-shooters strapped to their sexy thighs as she expected. And she's yet to see a poster that says Wanted: Dead or Alive. (Can you tell she has a vivid imagination?)
Sierra wrote her first book at age nine, a fanfic episode of Star Trek when she was fifteen, and she completed her first romance novel at nineteen. She actually kissed William Shatner (Captain Kirk) on the cheek once, and she says that's her biggest claim to fame. Her adventure through the turmoil of trust has taught her that love is the greatest gift. Like her image of the Old West, her writing is untamed, and nothing is off-limits.
She invites you to take a walk on the wild side...but only if you dare.

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