Simon Sainsbury

Getting' Poetic on Anaesthetic

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 102 Seiten
ISBN 1911525638
EAN 9781911525639
Veröffentlicht Juli 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Clink Street Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Gettin' Poetic on Anaesthetic is a light-hearted memoir guaranteed to make you smile, laugh, or even wet your pants! A memoir is all about the ability to see life through the writer's eyes. Allow yourself to see the world through Simon's and you will read an honest, witty and sometimes whacky portrayal of what it's like to stay in an NHS hospital today. It starts by focusing on life growing up in Essex and the accidents he had as a boy, but then centres around the operation that prompted the title. Full of comedy and nostalgia, Simon gives you some cringe-worthy yet hilarious accounts of his life, mostly at his expense. If you have been, or indeed are about to go in to hospital for an operation, Gettin' Poetic on Anaesthetic could be the perfect medicine.


Simon Sainsbury was inspired to put pen to paper after he spent time in hospital following an operation. This charming memoir looks back on his personal story, his experiences with the NHS and his family life in Suffolk.

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