Simone Idalia Master

Women Lead Men Follow: The Wrong Mr. Right

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215714874
Veröffentlicht März 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Women Lead Men Follow LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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What if I told you… good dads, the so-called good guys are wolves in sheep's clothing
You've heard the stories of users, abusers, and those who send shivers down your spine, but what about the men who seem perfect on the surface?
The ones who look like the ideal partners but may just be your worst nightmare? Welcome to the eye-opening world of Women Lead Men Follow: The Wrong Mr. Right. Where you now have a secret decoder that reveals the hidden truths behind the so-called "good guys."
Unveil the Unseen Dangers:
• Spot the Deceptive Charm: Learn how to discern men who might shine on paper but are wolves in sheep's clothing in reality.
• Penetrating the Good Guy Facade: It's time to see through the facade of "good guys" and discover the hidden sides that can derail a woman's dating journey.
• Decoding the Single Dad: Delve into the complexities of dating a good dad. Unearth the challenges and understand the nuances of emotional availability.
• Distinguishing Glitter from Gold: Not every shining man is worth your time. Learn to differentiate between glitter and gold.
Women Lead Men Follow: The Wrong Mr. Right is your guide to navigating the treacherous waters of the dating world. It takes you on a journey to the pits of sugar-coated man hell. It opens your eyes to society's most eligible bachelors who are cleverly disguised as a bundle of joy.
You will be given the tools to see beyond appearances to make informed choices.
Download for FREE Now
No more falling for the pretty exterior only to find out there's more than meets the eye. It's time to break free from the illusion and equip yourself with the wisdom to make empowered decisions in your pursuit of love.
Discover the unspoken truths about those who seem like the perfect catch - download your FREE copy of Women Lead Men Follow: The Wrong Mr. Right now.


Meet Simone Idalia Master!
Simone is a renowned dating expert specializing in the lost art of feminine leading without lifting. For the past 10 years Simone has helped women around the world unlock the hidden secrets to their dating and relationship woes.
Simone's quest for figuring out the ins and outs of relationships started after she experienced years of failed relationships. She would soon find the answers why in the lost art of feminine leading without lifting. Hence her Women Lead Men Follow series. With her newfound formula Simone has mastered the art of teaching women how to lead in their relationships while letting the men do the heavy lifting. Simone is dedicated to helping women get their dream relationship.
On top of her passion for relationships, Simone runs a non-profit organization to help her community back in Jamaica called Junies Care Foundation, named after her mother. She is a United States Air Force Veteran and a University of Maryland graduate with a degree in Family Science. She currently resides outside of Washington D.C. in the suburbs of Maryland with her husband, young daughter and two dogs.

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