Sophia Watson

Snow Angels (Silver Lake Cozy Mysteries, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781386770558
Veröffentlicht September 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Silver Lake Cozy Mysteries
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Snow Angels is the first book in a mini-series about cyber crime and Cyber Vigilantes within the Silver Lake mysteries. Still featuring Asia Reynolds as a primary forensic researcher.
Jake Wheeler has been a major cyber-criminal, a teenage genius, computer prodigy, hacker and darknet webhost, the victim of a 'copter crash on the cliffs off the Scottish Highlands, honorary member of Anonymous, a CIA fugitive. Then, possibly, an informant in an international turnaround.
Jacob Wheeler began life as a lonely boy, small for his age and too intelligent to be popular. He was a little socially inept.
Jake was bullied in school and in his neighborhood and took solace in his computers.
As an adult, his skill at programming brought him into contact with the wrong crowd. He became an ace hacker.
His life was about to change.


Sophia Watson hails from Chicago, Illinois, thus very familiar with the setting of Silver Lake. She has lived in Missouri as well and has explored a few caves in the Ozarks. Her knowledge of these areas is first hand. Although she writes in the cozy genre, her coziness is more along the lines of a "soft" mystery, more intrigue than blood and guts.
She is a graduate of Boston University (magna cum laude) and attended Harvard for graduate school.She now lives in n. Maine with her gray-striped cat, Oscar. She also writes under the pseudonym of Zara Brooks-Watson and her own name of Cathy Smith. Enjoy!

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