Stefani Deoul


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 200 Seiten
ISBN 161294096X
EAN 9781612940960
Veröffentlicht März 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Bywater Books

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Question: Do any of you know the truly scary part about being seventeen?
Answer: Your brain doesn't actually know, understand or care what it can't do; and, while this sounds great in theory, in my particular case, my under-developed brain apparently didn't know I couldn't fly.
So I jumped . . .
And I plummeted . . .
And I promise you, if I somehow manage to survive this act of immature-brain-encased-in-unbelievable-stupidity, I will gladly tell you exactly how I got here.
Which, for the record, is chasing a dark-web killer through the middle of a live action role-playing game, better known as a LARP.
On a LARP introduces readers to teen coder, Sid Rubin, a smartass-and super-smart-high school kid with a strong conscience and a knack for solving problems. This high concept, frenetic ride dives into the fascinating world of interactive role-playing when Sid recognizes the photo of a murder victim during an AP field trip to a police station. What starts out as an Aha! moment soon finds Sid and her unlikely posse of friends chasing a dark web killer through the middle of a live action role playing game. Sid and the gang work to unravel a deeply encrypted mystery while simultaneously enduring pop quizzes, endless Ted Talks, teenage heartbreak, suspicious parents, cosplay, and the irresistible lure of the NYC Public Library.
Stefani Deoul is the author of the award-winning novel The Carousel. She has produced TV series such as The Dead Zone, Brave New Girl, and Haven, and was also the executive in charge of production for the series Dresden Files and Missing.


Television producer and writer Stefani Deoul is the author of the award-winning novel The Carousel. Stefani has written for numerous publications, including, Curve Magazine, Outdoor Delaware and Letters from CAMP Rehoboth, penned both short stories and film and television treatments, and has produced TV series such as The Dead Zone and Brave New Girl. She was the Supervising Producer of the television series Haven for the SyFy Network, and previously was the executive in charge of production for the series Dresden Files and Missing.
Her debut novel, The Carousel was a finalist for the Foreword Reviews Independent Publishing Award in Gay and Lesbian Fiction. It won the National Federation of Press Women Book of the Year in GLBT fiction, the 2011 Book of the Year from the Delaware Press Association, and a Regional Award in Fiction from the Independent Publishers Association.

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