Stephen Coonts

The Saucer Series

Books 1-3: Saucer, Saucer: The Conquest, Saucer: Savage Planet. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 1056 Seiten
ISBN 1466888202
EAN 9781466888203
Veröffentlicht März 2015
Verlag/Hersteller St. Martin's Griffin
20,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

"Master of suspense" Stephen Coonts is at the top of his game in this high-flying trilogy full of UFO's, futuristic technology, edge-of-your-seat flying scenes and unforgettable characters.
When Rip Cantrell, a seismic surveyor, finds a piece of ancient and impossibly high-tech machinery entombed in the sandstone deep in the Sahara, governments and billionaires grapple for control of the saucer's secrets. But before either side can outwit the other, Rip flies the saucer away with the help beautiful test pilot Charley Pine, embarking on a fantastic journey into space and around the world, keeping just ahead of those who want the saucer for themselves.
Saucer: The Conquest
Someone is using top-secret information about saucer technology-information that comes from the mysterious top-secret region in Nevada known as Area 51. Meanwhile, a furious duel is in the offing between a megalomaniac bent on the conquest of Earth and a handful of runaway heroes. As a plot that reaches back 50 years explodes, a horrific weapon is trained on the Earth's cities; humankind is dragged to the brink and offered a fearsome choice: surrender or die. And Rip and Charley are the only ones who can save them.
Saucer: Savage Planet
A year after Rip discovered the first flying saucer buried deep in the sands of the Sahara, another saucer is brought up from the bottom of the Atlantic. The recovery is funded by a pharmaceutical executive who believes that the saucer holds the key to an anti-aging drug formula that space travelers would need to voyage between galaxies. In a world turned upside down, it may be the arriving aliens who offer limitless possibilities, and Rip and Charley face an incredible decision: Do they dare leave the safety of earth to travel into the great wilderness of the universe?


Stephen Coonts

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