Steven Ramirez

Let's Get Lost: A Modern Fairy Tale

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1949108279
EAN 9781949108279
Veröffentlicht Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Glass Highway
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Adam lost the woman he loves. If only he had a time machine...
Adam, the inheritor of a fortune born from tragedy, grapples with the existential absurdity of it all. His solution? Dive into the cutthroat world of marketing at Bland Corporation's Manhattan headquarters. It's there he meets the boss's daughter, Jenny, and they fall in love. But Bruce, the cunning VP, has other plans...
While spearheading a new campaign, Adam visits Bland's science division in Cambridge, where he meets Claire, an eccentric young genius fixated on time travel. Meanwhile, in New York, Bruce devises a scheme to eliminate the bothersome junior executive. He assigns an English lush to "help" Adam. But the Brit becomes an unexpected ally when he uncovers the VP's malevolent plot.
The bombshell sends Adam spiraling, and he ends up in a mental hospital. Ashamed to face Jenny, he seeks solace in the Hudson Valley with his mad scientist uncle. There, in a haze of uncertainty, Adam vows to win back Jenny by confronting the extraordinary circumstances that upended his life. But how?
If only he had a time machine...


Steven Ramirez is the award-winning American author of thriller, supernatural, and literary fiction. A former screenwriter, he's written about man-made plagues and idyllic towns infested with ghosts and demons. His latest novel is Let's Get Lost, a modern fairy tale. Steven lives in Los Angeles.

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