Steven Wayne Newell

Dreams of Allon

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781300899723
Veröffentlicht April 2013
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This is the second part of the second story in the Allon Science Fiction Series, originally written in 1987 it was said about this book, that sometimes only science fiction can get to the heart of a matter. We do not live in the Newtonian Physics reality science texts generally described. Things changed. In a Quantum Physics universe the secrets of the past want to hide from us the actual future. This creates a false image of a doomed future, but a new essay from our ancient past knows the future can be good. Dare to see this different spiritual vision originally written in the middle 1980s contrasting boldly with the images of main stream politicians of that time. This is the rare novel that was selling as a collectors item for it's visionary insights about the evolving social and governmental impact of the internet. This futuristic communal astronaut home with a LAN network and camera cell phones as foreseen in 1986.


This novel first published from the typewriter manuscript in 1987, published on page 15 the code of a language information system developed by the scientific research of this Writer. It will eventually become US Patent 10404370, "Communication Device Facilitating Communication Using Light Radiation" after the relentless administrative work of this biology scholar to win this claim of invention shown in US Patent and Trademark Office Disclosure Document 390068 dated 12 Dec 1995. The new fiber optic cable methods and improved IFR sensors eventually did lead to clear value in this utility of this new concept of a "light speed" data streaming signal eventually having industrial applications.

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