Surtsey - Sturla Fridriksson

Sturla Fridriksson


Evolution of Life on a Volcanic Island. Web PDF. Sprache: Englisch.
pdf eBook , 208 Seiten
EAN 9781483100401
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Butterworth-Heinemann
54,95 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Surtsey: Evolution of Life on a Volcanic Island focuses on the origin of life in the island of Surtsey.
The book first offers information on the Surtsey Research Society, conservation measures, and scientists that comprise the Surtsey research team. The text then focuses on the submarine eruptions off the coasts of Iceland, the flow of lava, and the formation and disappearance of islets. The book also describes the landscape that came about after the eruption. The tephra cones of the Surtur I and II craters, lava, coastal plains, and thermal areas are discussed. The text also underscores the ecological aspects of the eruption. The Icelandic biota and ecological studies on the island are discussed.
The text also traces the origin of life in the island, including the dispersal of seeds by birds and "Mermaids purses." The text also underscores the origin of marine algae and marine fauna on the island. The book then emphasizes the presence of bacteria, molds, lichens, mosses, terrestrial animals, birds, and vascular plants in the island. The text also examines the outer Westman Islands. Topographical features, method of research, plant communities, and vegetation of the smaller islands are described. The book also notes the vegetation of Heimaey and the effects of insular eruptions on the southern coast of Iceland.
The text is a good source of reference for readers wanting to study volcanic eruptions.


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