Sue Jennings


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 160 Seiten
ISBN 1401930646
EAN 9781401930646
Veröffentlicht Januar 2005
Verlag/Hersteller Hay House UK
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
14,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Goddesses explores the ancient wisdom of the goddesses to help you reconnect with the old ways in a modern context. The goddesses are presented in their elements, in their heavenly bodies, or as symbols of the journey of life to give support, provoke us to explore new ideas and challenges, and to bring balance to our lives. The folklore, myth, and traditional associations of the goddesses will inspire you on your journey. Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of the volcano, demonstrates that volatile fire energy is life-giving and creative but needs to have focus. Water goddesses such as Isis, Sedna, and Yemaya offer us wisdom in times of stress and grief. They help us flow in the right direction and remind us that water supports us. The sun goddesses lead us through our feelings as well as our intellect to our divine spark—the sun within us. If our lives are stormy, we can take comfort from the story of the sun goddess, Ama-terasu-o-mi-kami, and find peace within ourselves. Cerridwen, the Celtic goddess of poetry, is a source of wisdom, inspiration, and creativity. The reflections, meditations, rituals, chants, and exercises in this book will help you bring about the changes you wish for in your life. Some of the exercises are for you to undertake alone; others you can share with friends, family, and children. Let the goddesses guide and inspire you!


Sue Jennings, Ph.D., is a state-registered dramatherapist, playtherapist, and personal coach in the UK. She works with groups and individuals in Glastonbury, Somerset, where she has a private practice. She also facilitates workshops and vacation courses in Transylvania, Romania, where she's established a center for Romanian children in an endeavor called Project Wolf. The program for people with mental illness is based on stories, music, and drama. She integrates goddess stories and myths through symbols, masks, and rituals in her workshop.

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