Sue Miller

For Love

A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 368 Seiten
ISBN 006249581X
EAN 9780062495815
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Harper Perennial
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,00 inkl. MwSt.
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"A tour de force by any standard." —Newsweek
"Miller writes with wisdom, compassion, and an almost palpable sense of reality about the ambiguous and difficult choices that . . . at one time or another, life demands of us." —Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A convergence of family and friends stirs memories of the past in New York Times bestselling author Sue Miller's novel about the beautiful, raging, and tragic yearning for romantic love.
After years of lives lived apart, Lottie Gardner, her brother, Cameron, and their old friend Elizabeth reunite in their hometown of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lottie has arrived to settle the estate of her elderly mother in decline. It's also a chance to slip away from a passionless marriage in jeopardy. What she longs for is the kind of heedless romance she sees in her brother's rekindled fling with his childhood sweetheart. But Elizabeth is in the throes of a marital crisis of her own. And when blind desire culminates in a senseless tragedy, Lottie, Cameron, and Elizabeth must confront the choices they've made for love.
Gripping, emotional, and unexpected, For Love explores the inevitable reconciliation of the life you dream of when young and hopeful with the reality of the one you must abide.


Sue Miller is the bestselling author of While I Was Gone, The Distinguished Guest, For Love, Family Pictures, Inventing the Abbotts, and The Good Mother. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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