Sue Scheff, Melissa Schorr

Shame Nation

The Global Epidemic of Online Hate. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 1492649007
EAN 9781492649007
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Sourcebooks
16,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Foreword by Monica Lewinsky and as seen on Dr. Oz
"Smart. Timely. Essential. The era's must-read to renew Internet civility."-Michele Borba ED.D, author of Unselfie
An essential toolkit to help everyone - from parents to teenagers to educators-take charge of their digital lives.
Online shame comes in many forms, and it's surprising how much of an effect a simple tweet might have on your business, love life, or school peers. A rogue tweet might bring down a CEO; an army of trolls can run an individual off-line; and virtual harassment might cause real psychological damage. In Shame Nation, parent advocate and internet safety expert Sue Scheff presents an eye-opening examination around the rise in online shaming, and offers practical advice and tips including:Preventing digital disastersDefending your online reputationBuilding digital resilienceReclaiming online civility
Armed with the right knowledge and skills, everyone can play a positive part in the prevention and protection against online cruelty, and become more courageous and empathetic in their communities.
"Shame Nation holds that elusive key to stopping the trend of online hate so kindness and compassion can prevail." - Rachel Macy Stafford, New York Times bestselling author of Hands Free Mama, Hands Free Life, and Only Love Today
"Scheff offers the latest insight as to why people publicly shame each other and will equip readers with the tools to protect themselves from what has now become the new Scarlet Letter." - Ross Ellis, Founder and CEO, STOMP Out Bullying


SUE SCHEFF is a nationally recognized speaker, parent advocate, and Internet safety expert. She has been featured on TV shows including Good Morning America and Anderson Cooper 360 and has written for USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and more

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