Susan Crandall

On Blue Falls Pond

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0446540072
EAN 9780446540070
Veröffentlicht April 2008
Verlag/Hersteller Forever
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Two years ago, Glory Harrison lost her husband and unborn child in a fire she has no memory of and she's been running ever since. When her beloved grandmother needs her help, Glory returns to her rural hometown in Tennessee and can't help but feel the weight of people's pity. As far as the town is concerned, Glory and her husband had the 'perfect' marriage but Glory remembers his jealousy and possessiveness and her growing unhappiness.
The one saving grace to her return is that she reconnects with Eric Williams, an old friend from childhood. As the firefighter that pulled her from the flames, the sight of him is enough to bring back bad memories but as time passed their friendship grows and a romance begins. The divorced father of a mildly autistic son, Eric has his hands full but Glory is irresistibly drawn to him. But Eric remembers the sad look in Glory's eyes and her husband's jealousy and has his own theories about the night of the fire. When Glory starts to receive receive disturbing calls and letetrs, Eric and Glory must uncover the truth about that night - but will their fledgling love survive what they reveal?


Susan Crandall makes her home in Noblesville, Indiana.

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