Suzette D. Harrison

My Joy (California Love, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798988662327
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller On Purpose Publishing LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Joy Matthews isn't afraid of risks. She's quit her Fortune 500 job and enrolled in culinary school, chasing her dream. Joy wants her own couture cake boutique. Pursuing her dream by day, Joy pays the bills working nights at The Hourglass-an exclusive gentlemen's club catering to patrons who enjoy "a little extra fine on a woman's frame." Joy's catching up to her dream when a chance encounter reconnects her with Quinton Daley, a childhood friend. Mutual attraction throws the proverbial wrench in Joy's relationship-phobic, happily agnostic life. A goal-oriented woman who "doesn't do men with Bible breath," Joy sees in Quinton a whole lot of what she likes but doesn't need. Tall, chocolate-skinned, and born-again, Quinton's Christianity poses a risk even the tenacious Joy isn't willing to take.
Quinton Daley isn't fazed. He's a man of faith who will willingly wait on Joy to come to God…and him. When love and lust heat up, Joy and Quinton face a predicament. Will they indulge? Or abstain? Join this wild mix of custom cakes, a saved, sanctified and sexy man, and an obsessed patron from The Hourglass who's determined to make Joy's life a sticky mess. It's a recipe for a read that's wickedly witty and delicious.


Suzette D. Harrison, a native Californian and the middle of three daughters, grew up in a home where reading was required, not requested. Her literary "career" began in junior high school with the publishing of her poetry. While Mrs. Harrison pays homage to Alex Haley, Gloria Naylor, Alice Walker, Langston Hughes, and Toni Morrison as legends who inspired her creativity, it was Dr. Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings that unleashed her writing. The award-winning author of Taffy is a wife and mother who holds a culinary degree in Pastry & Baking. Mrs. Harrison is currently cooking up her next between batches of cupcakes.

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