Sports Betting For Dummies - Swain Scheps

Swain Scheps

Sports Betting For Dummies

1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 11.
pdf eBook , 464 Seiten
ISBN 1119748615
EAN 9781119748618
Veröffentlicht Juni 2020
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

Auch erhältlich als:

16,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The sports gambling book you can bet on
Sports betting combines America's national pastime (sports) with its national passion (gambling). In the U.S., more than a third of the population bets on at least one sporting event every year. With the recent lifting of the federal ban on sports gambling, states are pushing legislation to take advantage of the new potential source of revenue.
The best sports betting books are data driven, statistically honest, and offer ways to take action. Sports Betting For Dummies will cover the basics, as well as delving into more nuanced topics. You'll find all the need-to-know information on types of bets, statistics, handicapping fundamentals, and more.
* Betting on football, basketball, baseball, and other sports
* Betting on special events, such as the Superbowl or the Olympics
* Money management
* Betting on the internet
With handy tips, tricks, and tools, Sports Betting For Dummies shows you how to place the right bet at the right time--to get the right payoff.


Swain Scheps has written extensively on gambling topics and is a veteran sports bettor and industry expert. He has provided gaming advice and instruction in the Fodor's Las Vegas travel series and has contributed to Casino Gambling For Dummies. He is a data and analytics professional in Oregon and author of Business Intelligence For Dummies. Follow him on Twitter: @swainscheps


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